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rtnetlink: Makra pro manipulaci se zprávami rtnetlink

Originální popis anglicky: rtnetlink - Macros to manipuate rtnetlink messages

Návod, kniha: Linux Programmer's Manual


#include <asm/types.h>
#include <linux/netlink.h>
#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
rtnetlink_socket = socket(PF_NETLINK, int socket_type, NETLINK_ROUTE);
int RTA_OK(struct rtattr *rta, int rtabuflen);
void *RTA_DATA(struct rtattr *rta);
unsigned int RTA_PAYLOAD(struct rtattr *rta);
struct rtattr *RTA_NEXT(struct rtattr *rta, unsigned int rtabuflen);
unsigned int RTA_LENGTH(unsigned int length);
unsigned int RTA_SPACE(unsigned int length);


All rtnetlink(7) messages consist of a netlink(7) message header and appended attributes. The attributes should be only manipulated using the macros provided here.
RTA_OK(rta, attrlen) returns true if rta points to a valid routing attribute; attrlen is the running length of the attribute buffer. When not true then you must assume there are no more attributes in the message, even if attrlen is non-zero.
RTA_DATA(rta) returns a pointer to the start of this attribute's data.
RTA_PAYLOAD(rta) returns the length of this attribute's data.
RTA_NEXT(rta, attrlen) gets the next attribute after rta. Calling this macro will update attrlen. You should use RTA_OK to check for the validity of the returned pointer.
RTA_LENGTH(len) returns the length which is required for len bytes of data plus the header.
RTA_SPACE(len) returns the amount of space which will be needed in the message with len bytes of data.


Creating a rtnetlink message to set a MTU of a device.
	struct {
	       struct nlmsghdr nh;
	       struct ifinfomsg   if;
	       char	       attrbuf[512];
	} req;
	struct rtattr *rta;
	unsigned int mtu = 1000; 
	int rtnetlink_sk = socket(PF_NETLINK, SOCK_DGRAM, NETLINK_ROUTE); 
memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.nh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct ifinfomsg)); req.nh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST; req.nh.nlmsg_type = RTML_NEWLINK; req.if.ifi_family = AF_UNSPEC; req.if.ifi_index = INTERFACE_INDEX; req.if.ifi_change = 0xffffffff; /* ???*/ rta = (struct rtattr *)(((char *) &req) + NLMSG_ALIGN(n->nlmsg_len)); rta->rta_type = IFLA_MTU; rta->rta_len = sizeof(unsigned int); req.n.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(req.n.nlmsg_len) + RTA_LENGTH(sizeof(mtu)); memcpy(RTA_DATA(rta), &mtu, sizeof (mtu)); send(rtnetlink_sk, &req, req.n.nlmsg_len);


This manual page is lacking and incomplete.


netlink(3), netlink(7), rtnetlink(7)
1999-05-14 Linux Man Page
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