Originální popis anglicky:
cerf, cerff, cerfl, cerfc, cerfcf, cerfcl - complex error function
Návod, kniha: complex math routines
#include <complex.h>
double complex cerf(double complex z);
float complex cerff(float complex z);
long double complex cerfl(long double complex z);
double complex cerfc(double complex z);
float complex cerfcf(float complex z);
long double complex cerfcl(long double complex z);
Link with -lm.
The function cerf() is the complex version of the error function. erf(z) =
2/sqrt(pi) * integral from 0 to z of exp(-t*t) dt. The function cerfc() is
defined as cerfc(z) = 1-cerf(z).
The function name is reserved for future use in C99.
Not yet in glibc 2.3.2.