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Pozoruhodné IT produkty 2025
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Slow HP Windows 10 notebook - and what to do

If you have trouble with a slow computer from HP (or even another big brand), you've the same problem I had a few hours ago. I tried a number of proven recipes, but nothing helped - until finally... I'll get to the solution right away...

Right at the beginning I have to say that I have a HP ProBook with Windows 10 and that it is not exactly new. It was originally sold with Windows 7. But that doesn't mean it has to be slow - especially with 1GB SSD, 8GB RAM and a decent-performing Intel i5 processor. But it was. The computer was jamming, jerking, and basic operations were a problem. The task manager looked like the laptop is OK, not very busy, and there was a suspicious System Interrupt process (which is obviously a general term for any process that hangs on the interrupt), consuming up to 25% CPU power sometimes. But not always

When my HP ProBook began to slow down, I tried all the usual ways to speed it up. I updated the drivers, had the processor checked, RAM, SSD, everything in vain. I did a system files check in the well known way (from the command line as an administrator):

Dism / Online / Cleanup Image / CheckHealth

Dism / Online / Cleanup Image / ScanHealth

Dism / Online / Cleanup image / Restorehealth

This didn't help either. As if something was still slowing down the computer, so that Chrome was stuck often, other programs were slow, and the system seemed to freeze at times. Simply - it was a hell.

You may be surprised, but after all these years, I still had a few applications from the manufacturer of the ProBook, the HP, on my computer - and these were supposed to take care of some updates, performance tuning, and so on. Until now there was no problem with them, they seemed to be doing what they were supposed to do. What if it changed with the latest Windows 10 update? What if they do not optimize but hinder the computer by faulty optimization?

So I some changes. I uninstalled the HP software framework service and some other HP applications supposed to make my life easier. Then I restarted the notebook. And wow! Suddenly the computer runs without problems!

So if you have similar troubles, especially with an older HP laptop (or even with a ProBook series), I definitely recommend checking which applications from the manufacturer are not necessary (undoubtedly most of them would be disposable and maybe even all of them, just watch out for drivers ) and uninstall them. And I would guess that the same problem can be with laptops Lenovo, Acer, Dell, Asus and so on. Sure, I should have uninstalled the crapware before, but maybe you're like me. So hopefully this post will help you get rid of the hassle of slow laptop.

(22. 9. 2019 | MrSmith)

Autorem tohoto textu není redakce těchto webových stránek, ale jeden ze čtenářů/ek: MrSmith

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