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Manuál Linux
[Linux manuál]

setnetgrent, endnetgrent, getnetgrent, getnetgrent_r, innetgr: zpracovávat položky síťové skupiny

Originální popis anglicky: setnetgrent, endnetgrent, getnetgrent, getnetgrent_r, innetgr - handle network group entries

Návod, kniha: Linux Programmer's Manual


#include <netdb.h>
int setnetgrent(const char *netgroup);
void endnetgrent(void);
int getnetgrent(char **host, char **user, char **domain);
int getnetgrent_r(char **host, char **user,
char **domain, char *buf, int buflen);
int innetgr(const char *netgroup, const char *host,
const char *user, const char *domain);


The netgroup is a SunOS invention. A netgroup database is a list of string triples (hostname,username,domainname) or other netgroup names. Any of the elements in a triple can be empty, which means that anything matches. The functions described here allow access to the netgroup databases. The file /etc/nsswitch.conf defines what database is searched.
The setnetgrent() call defines the netgroup that will be searched by subsequent getnetgrent() calls. The getnetgrent() function retrieves the next netgroup entry, and returns pointers in host, user, domain. A NULL pointer means that the corresponding entry matches any string. The pointers are valid only as long as there is no call to other netgroup related functions. To avoid this problem you can use the GNU function getnetgrent_r() that stores the strings in the supplied buffer. To free all allocated buffers use endnetgrent().
In most cases you only want to check if the triplet (hostname,username,domainname) is a member of a netgroup. The function innetgr() can be used for this without calling the above three functions. Again, a NULL pointer is a wildcard and matches any string. The function is thread-safe.




These functions return 1 on success and 0 for failure.


In the BSD implementation, setnetgrent() returns void.


sethostent(3), setservent(3), setprotoent(3)
2002-08-20 GNU
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