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Manuál Linux
[Linux manuál]

getgrouplist: seznam skupin, do kterých uživatel patří

Originální popis anglicky: getgrouplist - list of groups a user belongs to

Návod, kniha: Linux Programmer's Manual


#include <grp.h>
int getgrouplist (const char *user, gid_t group,
gid_t *groups, int *ngroups);


The getgrouplist() function scans the group database for all the groups user belongs to. Up to *ngroups group IDs corresponding to these groups are stored in the array groups; the return value from the function is the number of group IDs actually stored. The group group is automatically included in the list of groups returned by getgrouplist().


If *ngroups is smaller than the total number of groups found, then getgrouplist() returns a value of `-1'. In all cases the actual number of groups is stored in *ngroups.


The glibc 2.3.2 implementation of this function is broken: it overwrites memory when the actual number of groups is larger than *ngroups.


This function is present since glibc 2.2.4.


/* This crashes with glibc 2.3.2 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <pwd.h>
int main() { int i, ng = 0; char *user = "who"; /* username here */ gid_t *groups = NULL; struct passwd *pw = getpwnam(user); if (pw == NULL) return 0;
if (getgrouplist(user, pw->pw_gid, NULL, &ng) < 0) { groups = (gid_t *) malloc(ng * sizeof (gid_t)); getgrouplist(user, pw->pw_gid, groups, &ng); }
for(i = 0; i < ng; i++) printf("%d\n", groups[i]);
return 0; }


getgroups(3), setgroups(3)
2003-11-18 GNU
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