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envz_add, envz_entry, envz_get, envz_merge, envz_remove, envz_strip: podpora řetězců prostředí

Originální popis anglicky: envz_add, envz_entry, envz_get, envz_merge, envz_remove, envz_strip - environment string support

Návod, kniha: Library Functions Manual


#include <envz.h>
error_t envz_add(char **envz, size_t *envz_len, const char *name, const char *value);
char * envz_entry(const char *envz, size_t *envz_len, const char *name);
char * envz_get(const char *envz, size_t *envz_len, const char *name);
error_t envz_merge(char **envz, size_t *envz_len, const char *envz2, size_t envz2_len, int override);
void envz_remove(char **envz, size_t *envz_len, const char *name);
void envz_strip(char **envz, size_t *envz_len);


These functions are glibc-specific.
An argz vector is a pointer to a character buffer together with a length, see argz_add(3). An envz vector is a special argz vector, namely one where the strings have the form "name=value". Everything after the first '=' is considered to be the value. If there is no '=', the value is taken to be NULL. (While the value in case of a trailing '=' is the empty string "".)
These functions are for handling envz vectors.
envz_add() adds the string "name=value" (in case value is non-NULL) or "name" (in case value is NULL) to the envz vector (*envz,*envz_len) and updates *envz and *envz_len. If an entry with the same name existed, it is removed.
envz_entry() looks for name in the envz vector (envz,envz_len) and returns the entry if found, or NULL if not.
envz_get() looks for name in the envz vector (envz,envz_len) and returns the value if found, or NULL if not. (Note that the value can also be NULL, namely when there is an entry for name without '=' sign.)
envz_merge() adds each entry in envz2 to *envz, as if with envz_add(). If override is true, then values in envz2 will supersede those with the same name in *envz, otherwise not.
envz_remove() removes the entry for name from (*envz,*envz_len) if there was one.
envz_strip removes all entries with value NULL.


All envz functions that do memory allocation have a return type of error_t, and return 0 for success, and ENOMEM if an allocation error occurs.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <envz.h>
main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) {
	int i, e_len = 0;
	char *str;
for (i=0; envp[i] != NULL; i++) e_len += strlen(envp[i]) + 1;
str = envz_entry(*envp, e_len, "HOME"); printf("%s\n", str); str = envz_get(*envp, e_len, "HOME"); printf("%s\n", str); return 0; }


These functions are a GNU extension. Handle with care.


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