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chgrp: změnit skupinové vlastnictví souborů

Originální popis anglicky: chgrp - change group ownership of files

Návod, kniha: General Commands Manual


chgrp [options] group file...
POSIX options: [-R] [--]
POSIX 1003.1-2001 options: [-hHLPR]
GNU group denotation: [--reference=rfile]
GNU options (shortest form): [-cfvR] [--help] [--version] [--]


chgrp changes the group ownership of each given file to group, which can be either a group name or a numeric group ID.


Recursively change the group ownership of directories and their contents. (And continue even when errors are encountered.)
Terminate option list.


For each file operand given that is a symlink, change the group ownership of the symlink itself, rather than the object it points to. If the system does not support a group ownership for symlinks, do nothing for a symlink.
-H (half-logical)
(When given together with -R.) For each file operand given that is a symlink to a directory, change the group ownership of the directory and all files in the file hierarchy below it.
-L (logical)
(When given together with -R.) For each file, either command line operand or encountered during the tree walk, that is a symlink to a directory, change the group ownership of the directory and all files in the file hierarchy below it.
-P (physical)
(When given together with -R.) For each file, either command line operand or encountered during the tree walk, that is a symlink, change the group ownership of the symlink itself, rather than the object it points to. If the system does not support a group ownership for symlinks, do nothing for a symlink. This is the default.
Recursively change the group ownership of directories and their contents.


A GNU extension (new in fileutils 4.0) allows one to use --reference=rfile as a group description: the same group as that of rfile.


-c, --changes
Verbosely describe the action for each file whose group actually changes.
-f, --silent, --quiet
Do not print error messages about files whose group cannot be changed.
-h, --no-dereference
Act on symbolic links themselves instead of what they point to. Only available if the lchown system call is provided.
-v, --verbose
Verbosely describe the action or non-action taken for every file.
-R, --recursive
Recursively change the group ownership of directories and their contents.


Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully.
Terminate option list.


The variables LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LC_MESSAGES have the usual meaning. For an XSI-conforming system: NLSPATH has the usual meaning.


POSIX 1003.2 only requires the -R option. Use of other options may not be portable.


This page describes chgrp as found in the fileutils-4.0 package; other versions may differ slightly.
2000-08 GNU fileutils 4.0
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