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charmap: znakové symboly pro definování kódování znaků

Originální popis anglicky: charmap - character symbols to define character encodings


A character set description (charmap) defines a characterset of available characters and their encodings. All supported character sets should have the portable character set as a proper subset.


The charmap file starts with a header, that may consist of the following keywords:
is followed by the name of the codeset.
is followed by the max number of bytes for a multibyte-character. Multibyte characters are currently not supported. The default value is 1.
is followed by the min number of bytes for a character. This value must be less or equal than mb_cur_max. If not specified, it defaults to mb_cur_max.
is followed by a character that should be used as the escape-character for the rest of the file to mark characters that should be interpreted in a special way. It defaults to the backslash ( \ ).
is followed by a character that will be used as the comment-character for the rest of the file. It defaults to the number sign ( # ).
The charmap-definition itself starts with the keyword CHARMAP in column 1.
The following lines may have one of the two following forms to define the character-encodings:
<symbolic-name> <encoding> <comments>
This form defines exactly one character and its encoding.
<symbolic-name>...<symbolic-name> <encoding> <comments>
This form defines a couple of characters. This is only useful for mutlibyte-characters, which are currently not implemented.
The last line in a charmap-definition file must contain END CHARMAP.


A symbolic name for a character contains only characters of the portable character set. The name itself is enclosed between angle brackets. Characters following an <escape_char> are interpreted as itself; for example, the sequence '<\\\>>' represents the symbolic name '\>' enclosed in angle brackets.


The encoding may be in each of the following three forms:
with a decimal number
with a hexadecimal number
with an octal number.




Jochen Hein (jochen.hein@delphi.central.de)




locale(1), localedef(1), localeconv(3), setlocale(3), locale(5)
1994-11-28 National Language Support
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