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Pozoruhodné IT produkty 2025
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Good and cheap Bluetooth keyboard for Android

If you need an external keyboard for your mobile phone or tablet with Android - because you prefer something more than just the touch one - I have a tip for you. And because maybe your tablet or smartphone does not support USB OTG, just like mine, we will not use wires, but Bluetooth. And the best part - we spend no more than $10.

To find a small, lightweight and inexpensive Bluetooth keyboard for Android is not quite as simple as I expected. Most of those keyboards offered in shops do not meet at least one of the parameters mentioned above.

But it is important to say, that maybe you need a bigger keyboard - perhaps because you want to type with all ten fingers - and if this is the case then the keyboard discussed here is nothing for you. And why I pay so much attention to this keyboard? Mainly because it is good for a variety of purposes - and also because if you look on the internet, you will find a few questions about whether this keyboard actually can be used with Android.

Bluetooth Keyboard Genius Mini Luxepad

Small and cheap bluetooth keyboard Genius Mini Luxepad. Tested with OS Android.
Small and cheap bluetooth keyboard Genius Mini Luxepad. Tested with OS Android.
The ambiguity mentioned above results from the fact that the keyboard Genius Mini Luxepad is specifically intended - by the manufacturer - for device with IOS. No word about Android OS. And even in some Internet chat rooms you can read that Genius Mini Luxepad does not work with Android (but others say the opposite, of course).

And so I did the risk ($10 is not so huge amount) and ordered the keyboard. With the Android version 4.2 on my cell phone the keyboard Genius Mini Luxepad works. And I have information it should work equally well with any version of Android from 4.1 above.

The keyboard is really small, like a 5-inch phone and it is rechargeable. If you need to use this keyboard with a different layout than English, you will need an appropriate application - I suggest RS - Hardware Keyboard Layouts. Then just pair the keyboard and your phone, select an input method and configure it (typically the input physical keyboard HID-keyboard) to any layout you wish.

I am still testing the keyboard - and I have no problems with it so far. You can easily work with accented letters, use arrows, work with clipboard - everything is easier with this hardware keyboard than with a touch one. A disadvantage? It is really small, but that's an advantage when you carry it with you.

In the package you get not only the keyboard, but an USB cable and a pouch that can also serve as a stand for your cell phone - so you have something like a small emergency computer wherever you go. The conclusion is clear to me: For those $10 this is a good buy. Of course, if you are clear that you really need a miniature and inexpensive Bluetooth keyboard.

(13. 5. 2015 | RadekT)

Autorem tohoto textu není redakce těchto webových stránek, ale jeden ze čtenářů/ek: RadekT

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